
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Orly - Close Your Eyes & Economic Indicators?

Close your eyes. Okay. So I did and all I saw was the back of my eyelids, now what?  What an odd name?  So I had to search this one out and Orly's Close Your Eyes (OCYE) is from the 2005 Truth or Dare collection.... oh.  Is this dumb or what?  I never played or liked the game truth or dare.  Seeing people humiliated and embarrassed is not my kind of fun, and lately I would rather people keep their darkest secrets to themselves.  I'd rather paint and stare at my nails, thanks.

On a redeeming note, this beautiful shimmery plum makes up for it's lame name, and the formula is great too.  Two easy, opaque coats.  OCYE was this week's work mani for me and I got a few compliments on it. 

Did you know that nail polish sales are way up right now? Apparently nail polish has replaced lipstick as an economic indicator, according to the New York Times.  When nail polish sales are up the economy is down.  Adam Davidson of NY Times says nail polish is a "bargain luxury". I would agree with that. OCYE felt like little jewels on my hands this week.  If the economy gets better are you going to stop painting your nails?  I don't think I will.  I usually stop painting my nails because I have started chewing on them again, not so much the economy but, that's just me, so who knows?  Click here for the article

I guess lipstick sales have evened out and women are not buying lipsticks based on how confident they feel about the economy?  I don't wear lipstick so I don't know.  I did notice that Ulta's nail polish section has been trashed over the holidays. I regret not taking a picture of it, because it was bad. 

Any thoughts?


  1. Hmm that's interesting. I think nail polish is a better economic indicator, because you can get lots of great polishes for only 99 cents, but a decent lipstick tends to cost a bit more (in my experience)!
    That color looks so sophisticated on you! But yeah, totally lame name. Maybe they were trying to be mysterious, since that's kind of a mysterious color? ha. I honestly wonder how they come up with names for polishes! :P

  2. I think purple is my all time fav nail polish color, I only have like 15 nail polishes and half of them are shades of purple haha. love this color on you!

  3. @ Sneakerette, me too, I would love a job like that, come up with nail polish names!

    @ pop champagne, thanks. I nail polish stash stayed at 15 bottles for a long time, about 3 years. I kept rotating them around, until I started reading blogs.... now I have what is considered a small collection of about 120 bottles. I think it's a lot, but Vampy Varnish has like 3000 bottles, and lacquer room has 700!!!

  4. Weird name lo. I have never heard of this polish, but it is a beautiful shade! I never realized you had a blog until right now! I decided to click on your name and voila! Haha loving it so far!

  5. Thanks hklinda! Welcome to my blog! I'm working on some research right now, so hopefully I'll have some interesting posts for everyone.
