
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

What do those symbols mean on the back of your cosmetics and nail polish?

I have a quick post for you today.  I spent some time looking up all of those little symbols and I hope you find this helpful. 

Orly's Bonder

Revlon's quick dry top coat.

Zoya nail polish, Anja.

Orly's Nail Armor.

Ahava, hand cream.
Nail polish can not be thrown away with regular trash!  Yikes!  It must be taken to your nearest hazardous waste transfer facility.  It is flammable and if it leaks into our environment, soil and water it is dangerous.  See here.

Animal testing for cosmetics have been banned in Europe since 2009, and long term testing will be banned in 2013.  Imports of cosmetics that have been tested on animals is also banned in Europe since 2009, thank goodness. Now when will the U.S. get on board?  See here.

I hope it is just a matter of time before we follow in Europe's footstep.  In the meantime, what is an average, working class person like me suppose to do?  Our voice is heard by the purchases we make, every time we buy cruelty free, big 3 free nail polish we vote for no animal testing, no carcinogens and other toxic chemicals in our products.  I know nail polish is still hazardous material, but it doesn't have to be if we use it responsibly. 

Have I been guilty of being ignorant and making mistakes? Absolutely; but I'm trying to find and share information.  I hope don't sound like I'm lecturing or judging because I'm not.  I think it is important to know what we are buying and using.

My last point.  Want to curb buying urges?  Become an educated and discerning consumer.  As soon as I decided to stop buying products form giant cosmetic companies that test on animals and use toxic ingredients the buying list becomes much shorter.

I like to enjoy my nail polish guilt free and without worry!

Please share your thoughts in the comments section!


  1. animal testing is horrible, so thats good to know thats what the symbol means!
