Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Go Pink Wednesday - Candeo Colors - Melonball

The last pink Wednesday!

This is going to be a short post... This is one coat of melonball sandwiched between two coats of Orly's Rose Colored Glasses. 

Have a looksie.

I am so grateful to have been able to participate in Go Pink Wednesday.  It was fun sharing with all of you wonderful ladies!

Happy Halloween!

I have a Halloween mani I may try to post later today.  We shall see.  Yea for electricity and heat!


  1. Wow that orly for french mani looks amazing! I'm so into nudes lately... That combo looks amazing! So have you been safe these past days?

    1. Yes I have. Thanks for asking! I love all kinds of nudes too, they are very clean looking.

  2. Ooooh such a gorguz jelly sandwich! Love it :)

    Aysh xoxo

  3. Really liking Melonball! It's my alternative choice for another indie polish that I don't think is being made anymore.

    Glad everything is ok and that you and your husband are safe! :)

    1. Thanks Michelle! Everything is fine out here. Next time I want to wear melonball over green.

  4. Awesome combination! I have both polishes and never thought to use them together! Very cute!

  5. So delicate!!! I love this combo! :)

  6. Mmm, dreamy jelly sammich. Lovely. Melonball is one that I've been eyeing for a long time, but it's usually sold out!
