
Friday, June 21, 2013

Quick Questionnaire

Caitlin over at The Perfectly Polish Life, nominated me for another Leibster.  I'm always flatter to receive any kind of recognition.  Since this is my fifth one, I'm just going to keep it simple and answer her questions.

1. Favorite nail polish?

Oh this is a hard question…. Revlon Royal #730 from their top speed line, or Orly’s green with envy.  I included photos at the end.  My Revlon Royal photo has been pinned some 48 times!

2. Favorite current fashion trend?

I like bib necklaces. I wish I could wear them more often. I work in a hospital and getting dressed up too much is really frowned upon.

3. Beauty product you can't live without?

I have to say a couple of things, moisturizer and SPF of some kind. I've always slathered on the sunscreen. I have some age spots, but I think I would have a lot more if I did not cover up. The second thing is hair dye. I’m graying and it’s not pretty. I went two months without dying my hair a few weeks ago, and my husband says that whenever I dye my hair it’s like someone removed all the dust off of me.

4. A destination you hope to travel to?

Right now, I am looking to retire in France. I don’t know if I can make this possible, but that’s my mind set right now. Better food, cheaper, better quality health care than here in the U.S. I want to retire by age 55, which is considered early, and a lofty goal at that. If not hopefully, by age 63, but if social security keeps moving the retirement age up…which is very likely…… I don’t know if I can wait that long. Healthcare is changing; we are undergoing major transformations right now. So who knows where we will be in 20 years.

5. Favorite store?

Right now it is I haven’t had much time to shop in stores, or look at anything leisurely lately so amazon is great because it has almost everything! Plus the one-click buy is way too convenient.

6. Which color of nail polish do you have the most of?

Blues and teals.

7. Favorite nail polish brand?
China Glaze

8. Favorite quote?

“Small minds talk about people, mediocre minds talk about events, and great minds talk about ideas”. I don’t know who said that.

9. Favorite food?

I guess, overall, it is Italian food. Really easy to make and satisfying. I love caprese salad with a simple garlicky bread or pasta.

10. Favorite type of nail art?

Easy, free handed ones.

11. Most hated nail art trend?

Hate is a strong word, but I still cannot convince myself to buy any of those sand, textured polishes….

Want to read more?  Just click the tag questionnaire under labels.

Don't forget to stop by and check out Caitlin's blog!


  1. Hey, Jenni! TGIF! I thought it would never get here.

    Your answers are so thoughtful and enlightening. I'm of like mind on all points, though I stopped dying my hair a couple of years ago. There's not a day gone by when I haven't questioned the wisdom of that move, however. ;)

    And that royal blue polish? It just landed a spot on my Got To Have List. No surprise why that one's a Pinterest favorite.

    As for the healthcare and "retirement" dilemma...I envy your forward thinking. Wish I'd been as smart in my younger years. Now? I'm pondering places like Costa Rica and Panama. Of course, all this pondering is going on in the privacy of my imagination, but it's gotta start somewhere, right?

    Happy weekend! :)

    1. Thanks Lisa! Yes, it is never too early to start thinking about the future. I heard Costa Rica is a popular place for retired Americans.
